Monday, December 17, 2007

Research News: Where there’s smoke, there’s research

The News:
Where there’s smoke, there’s research.
Sacramento State News 12/17/07
Craig Gallet’s scrutiny of anti-smoking laws isn’t a personal quest. He is interested in the factors that affect demand for consumer products. “I found that a lot of literature showed how smoking bans affected the sales of cigarettes, but no link was ever made between smoking bans and their affect on alcohol demand.” In particular, Gallet was curious about the impact on beer, wine and liquor sales in bars and restaurants once smoking was banned in public areas.

The Research:
Read the research behind this story in The Social Science Journal.

1 comment:

GB said...

The Colorado no smoking ban last year gutted non-profit fund raising efforts in this state. Specifically bingo halls, which used to be a significant source of income for non-profits, have seen a 30-40% drop in attendance and a drastic reduction in income.