Sunday, October 26, 2008

Research news: Sticky tape gives off x-rays

The News:
Sticky Tape Gives Off X-Rays
All Things Considered, October 25, 2008 · Scientists have known for years that peeling up a strip of sticky tape can set off some subatomic fireworks. But in the current issue of the journal Nature, UCLA researchers prove that the X-rays released are both powerful and plentiful.
"There are a lot of X-rays," says Juan Escobar, a Ph.D. candidate in physics at UCLA. "There are enough that you can actually take a picture of your finger — an X-ray picture of your finger. It's very exciting. It's actually a little bit scary." Read on...

The Research:
Read the research behind this story in the journal Nature.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bwahahaahha! Clever scientists! But you're too late! My Giant Gecko Adhesion Ray will conquer the world with concentrated Mega-triboluminescence! Bwahhahahaha!